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The fairy inside

Remember the fairy

You were blessed with at conception

She played with you in the womb

You embodied her as a child

Then living forgot her

Repressed the very thought

She could ever have existed

Until one day suddenly

A loving encounter

A dance, an awakening

As she steers within

This time you reach in

And feel her aliveness

As you engage with the sacred being

Beyond your skin door

You may question

You may doubt

You may control

Push the lid back on

The overwhelming and unfamiliar wild

Listen slowly to its enchanting song

Come closer, yes, ever so closely

Hear the freest part of your soul

Let it guide you to surrender

Let the spirits invite you

To experience the new

You have always known

Let the re-discovery begin

Slowly discard what protected

What concealed your essential truth

Dismiss the familiar and conventional

That does not belong to you

Release the wondrous seed

That grows into your magical soul

Let your wild inner beauty

Transport you to its fairy realms

We are all home to a fairy within

Learning our way back to its open arms

This poem was inspired by a beautiful weekend spent practicing biodynamic craniosacral outdoors in the wilds of gorgeous West Cork, in the South West of Ireland; holding the space for and supporting reconnection with the fairy inside, the wild untamed wonder-full original matrix.

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