This poem came to me on a recent forest walk, following the imposition of isolation and social distancing measures on most of the inhabitants of this fragile planet.
Our home, whose delicate balance we have seriously, tragically, disrupted in our thirst for total control.
May this time of de facto further separation from one another bring us closer to dreaming a more whole and harmonious relating with all that lives and breathes.
May it open our eyes, our heart and mind to what really, truly matters.
For now though we can still touch trees, flowers, the grass under our feet and re-ignite our feeling space, rejoining and rejoicing in the field of our abundant perceptive world.
And we can dream
I have to thank and acknowledge biodynamic craniosacral therapy for opening up this rich territory of the subtle felt sense to me
While a red-throated robin sang
I held my forehead on you, tree
I listened and sensed
a numinous presence
a dream unfurling like smoke
moving fluidly like protoplasm
echoing in my heart and lungs
in many places at the same time
like in a quantum experiment
I was in the tree
and the tree was in me
I listened and saw
with my eyes closed
suddenly, clearly
the rest of the forest
a community of trees
arising strongly
from your tubular core
to lean into my forehead
and fill me in
A generous pervasion
of your dream of others
your filamentous universe
now wandering about my tissue jungle
inviting me to pass on
the possibility of holding within
the dream of others
into one
the gift of others
into us